Digital Imaging Workshops

Friday, 22nd May 2009 - 12 noon to 6pm

Venue: British Racing School, Newmarket

The inaugural workshop for vets interested in digital imaging and PACS systems for diagnosis, reporting and educational work.


all afternoon : Exhibition
12pm – 2pm : OsiriX demonstrations
1:45pm : Marcus Head – Taking and using digital images
2:30pm : Sarah Powell – 3D rendering of MRI and CT scans using OsiriX
3:45pm : Victoria Johnson – Teleradiology and remote consulting


Marcus Head BVetMed MRCVS
Rossdale & Partners
Area of interest: diagnostic imaging and equine lameness investigation

Sarah Powell MA VetMB MRCVS
Rossdale & Partners
Area of interest: equine orthopaedic disease investigation and the use of MRI and CT imaging

Victoria Johnson BVSc DVR DipECVDI MRCVS
European and RCVS Specialist
Area of interest: CT, MRI, digital imaging, PACS and teleradiology

Previous Workshops